Disgusting | Teen Ink


June 10, 2014
By rubychervin BRONZE, Manalapan, New Jersey
rubychervin BRONZE, Manalapan, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

During my junior year of high school, I learned that I was disgusting. I did not do drugs, I was a good student, and I showered every day. Still, every day I was told I was disgusting. Disgusting for liking something that was not normal for a 16-year-old girl to like. Disgusting for having a passion for something that no other 16-year-old girls have. Disgusting for wanting to go to college and major in something that no other 16-year-old girls want to major in. What is that thing? That thing is history.

I am an avid student of history. It is my favorite class, all of my favorite teachers have been my history teachers, and I earn my highest marks in history class. I constantly read textbooks and watch documentaries and do anything and everything I possibly can to learn more about history. I have a favorite founding father, a favorite war, and a favorite amendment to the constitution. All of this makes me disgusting to my peers.

Forgive me, my peers, for liking something that has nothing to do with appearance. Forgive me for focusing more on the Vietnam War than the new tanning salon that opened up next to the new sushi place. Forgive me for being more interested in the Judiciary Act of 1789 than the date you went on two weeks ago with a boy who smells like Axe deodorant and desperation. Forgive me for knowing the dates of Flag Day and VE Day and VJ Day but not the date of your 7 and a half month anniversary with the love of your life: a cookies and creme frappuccino from Starbucks. Forgive me for caring about something that actually matters and could lead to a career instead of your empty-headed nonsense. Forgive me.

I am not disgusting. I am not gross. I am not repulsive. My passion for a subject area should not make you want to alienate me and call me names. I do not deserve that. No one does. I am a human being, a student, a daughter, a friend, a passionate person. Not a disgusting thing that you can call names one minute but then ask for the answer to the history test the next.

I am so very sorry for having a passion. So, so sorry.

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