Hitting a Tree While Snowbaording | Teen Ink

Hitting a Tree While Snowbaording

May 29, 2014
By Anonymous

Over my 8th grade Christmas break, my dad, brother, and I left for our annual five day snowboarding trip at Mammoth Mountain. It started on Wednesday when all three of us got on a plane to Mammoth. After arriving at the snow covered airport, we quickly rushed to the rental car and drove to our hotel to check in and store our stuff. We then drove to the main lodge to purchase our tickets to go on the chair lifts. While at Mammoth, our daily routine would be waking up around 7 to eat breakfast, then get ready to be at the slopes by the time they open at 8:30. After that we would snowboard until about 12 and eat lunch, then continue snowboarding until the mountain closed at 5. On the third day, my brother and I were going off trail down the mountain, through the trees because it is more fun than staying on the regular trail. My brother was about 5 yards in front of me when we spotted a little jump in the tree line. He headed for it, and I followed him. Turns out, the perfect looking jump had a 3 foot drop behind it and was covered by a layer of ice.When brother went off he crashed into the snow at the bottom of the jump. It was too late for me to stop however, so instead of going off the jump and landing on him, I veered off the the left, put my hands out, and hit the tree next to it. I bounced back from the tree after slamming into it, and it fell over, missing my brother by inches. I could feel my arms throbbing immensely, and was unable to move them as my brother and I laid in the snow for a bit. A few people came by and asked if we were ok, and we said yes. After that, we unclipped are snowboards, walked back to the regular trail, and then we snowboarded down the mountain and to the main lodge where we went to eat lunch. By the time we got back to the hotel, the only arm really hurting was my left one. We put ice on it, but by the next day, it still hurt a lot. I still wanted to snowboard though, so I put on a wrist guard and it was bearable. I had to be extremely careful though, because just falling on it sent a wave of pain through my body. When we got back home after 2 more days, my mom took me to the doctor and it turned out it was broken, so they put a cast on it for a month and it was fine after that.

The author's comments:
Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life

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