My New Friend | Teen Ink

My New Friend

February 13, 2014
By Hargraves BRONZE, Mancos, Colorado
Hargraves BRONZE, Mancos, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I realized when you are late for football practice you really don’t know what’s around the corner. In this case a new fat Labrador retriever.

I remember when my mom, my little sister, and I were going to drop me off in Towoac for football practice. We were a little late, and instead of going to practice we turned into someone’s drive way with a metal fence on the sides of the gravel driveway.

Right away I asked. “Mom what are we doing here?”

“You’ll see.”

“Hugh,” I said in disbelief.
I got out and a fat lab ran up to me wagging its tail like 90 miles per hour, after that I realized that I’m getting a new dog. I saw a friend of mine from school named Desirae.

“Do you want the dog?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said in excitement.

Sometime later my mom suddenly made the plan to get a new family dog. Before my friend’s dad walked out with a sandwich bag full of kibble I was playing with me new sudden to be new dog.

“Here, keep her for tonight, if you don’t want her take her back here,” he said.

The dog is a Labrador retriever, she about 6 to 7 years old. She always has this hyper personality, spinning around in circles. She enjoys walks, herding chickens, playing and following younger sibling without me telling her, and playing fetch. The dog means a lot to me. She follows me around when I do everything. She’s a very loyal dog. My friend Dasey is a Labrador retriever, with some yellow white pelt, soft, beautiful, kind of chubby dog.

Years later I still have that fat lab Dasey (name of dog)running playing and still wagging her tail 90 miles per hour. She is living with four other dogs, six cats, and five chickens. I love my fat dog and my friend Dasey.

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