No! No! And never! | Teen Ink

No! No! And never!

December 22, 2013
By AlyaABR BRONZE, Batu Caves, Selangor, Other
AlyaABR BRONZE, Batu Caves, Selangor, Other
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Life is not as easy as we might think of. It could be at varied levels of difficulty and in order to survive, lots of things must be done. Even there are people who suffer that screaming for help. Well I would say impossible if anyone have said that there are also people who live happily ever after without help. No contribution from inside and outside parties of life. That would be a huge creepy NO! Let me tell you one of my experiences. Spend here for just a few minutes okay guys? You can eat along your popcorn while reading this.

I am an ordinary person, of course. I do not own any super powers like the cartoons in the TV. But because of God is Almighty so here I am. I used to be a leader to a community because I’d love to. You know genetic thingy? Yeah, it comes from my dad. I would be delight to help and contribute something. There is a big incident that makes me awake from dreams. It was happened during my high-school education. My batch is so loud but they are so cooperative in doing batch tasks. But you know just because of a leader, they would be as rebel as they can to make the leader realise that she is wrong. Bad right? Not the right way to correct a leader. From day to day, they started to think of a replace for our batch leader. At the first place, I would like to volunteer myself in front during the orientation day but God guided me so well. My thought on that time was “Better not step forth. Because you still do not recognize your batch mates and yet you want to guide them. You do not even know what their real attitudes are. If it is your fate, you will be one day.” So, I decided not to. But seriously it really happened. My batch mates’ behaviours are incredibly unexpected. Every person has a different personality right? So obviously they are different from me. I always help my batch leader to think of strategies to make them calm. It went well but the way she was doing it is not the best. We hate her eye contacts because she likes to roll her eyes, the way she talks and delivers messages because she mumbles a lot, the way she scolds and the way she acts with other batch. You know things that should a leader have. She could think well but all the little tiny mistakes would be the biggest mistake overall. Until one day, my batch leader faced very huge problem and people started asking her to quit from being our batch leader. Find a replace! And after voting this and that, I got selected. I refused to at first, no most of the time I declined because I was very busy. I was the form representative for my house sport and also a class representative. But until this one tall pretty batch mate stood up proudly in the batch meeting and said, “How could you did that to us? You can eliminate one of the position and find a replace because there are lots of people that can be. But for this position, we as your batch mates vote for you! Think wisely. Do you love your batch mates that will study and face everything together for five years or house sport that does not gives you any impacts?” I realised. I should accept the request. For the sake of my batch, I became a batch leader.

I learnt that we must do three things in everything. Firstly, be wise. Secondly, majority and democracy and lastly is God. This position is really hard but I know everything happens for a reason and God gives the best path for us. If God shoot us with problem, it just an elementary test that might be tough for us. Pray to God and never give up. Now, I could see and feel the love between my batch mates and I hope that they would give the best cooperation that they would give for me. I promise that I will try my best to help you batch mates. So a big ‘NO’ for those who said life is always hard OR life is always easy. Enjoy!

The author's comments:
I don't have any words to describe this. Speechless.

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