What Is A Writer? | Teen Ink

What Is A Writer?

December 4, 2013
By Taylor96 SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
Taylor96 SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

People write for several different reasons. For me, writing is an outlet. It’s kind of like therapy, without having to tell another person your business. I love writing because I’m so shy. I think people could learn more about me by reading my writing, then actually spending time with me. In my opinion, being a writer simply means you have the capability to pick up a pencil and write. I don’t think someone’s level of intelligence or the size of their vocabulary should determine if they are a writer. Writing has always been a big part of my life. As a child I played the piano and was always making up my own lyrics. As I got older I would write in a journal every day because I didn’t really have any friends that I could vent to. So I wrote everything down. In society, writing serves many different purposes. Now-a-days, most writing is done on twitter, path, blogger, etc. Social networks consume most of people’s time. Because of modern technology, everyone is typing instead of writing. Even some schools us tablets and Ipads, and are slowly getting rid of using paper and pencils. Typing is convenient but I would much rather just use my pencil and paper. I’ve never really had a vision for my writing. I just write what I feel. When I’m writing I usually don’t think about the fact that someone else could read it. I never consider who my audience is, or could be as I’m writing. I usually don’t expect anyone else to read it, unless it’s something that I’m writing in school. Most of my writing is done at home, in peace and quiet.

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