The Burden I Carry | Teen Ink

The Burden I Carry

October 17, 2013
By Tommy Fisher BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
Tommy Fisher BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the beginning, I was hesitant. Unsure of what I got into, I remained to myself and wasn’t eager or anxious for anything, not for my interview or my first trainings. I sat to myself and didn’t talk to anyone. However, now I consider the zoo my second home. All of my best friends are there and whenever I get a free day, the zoo is the first place I go. I am proud to be a part of the gecko family. The yellow shirt that is a part of my uniform is a symbolic weight that is too heavy to lift on my own but I am glad that it is. That is how I bond with my friends.

Looking back on the day of my interview, I had no clue where I was going or what I was doing. In the morning, I slowly rolled out of bed, with my hair all over the place, and got dressed in a blue, striped polo and dress pants that I laid out the night before. My parents tried describing it to me by saying it is an old, historic, brick building back in the corner of the zoo that barely had anything in it. It is where Santa Claus was. Like I could remember that far back in my life. Luckily, I found someone to give me directions. Every step seemed like a thousand as I walked through the zoo. When I saw the museum, I took a deep breath and slowly walked toward the door. My shaking hand wrapped around the cold metal handle and opened the door. Immediately, I was greeted by an overly excited ZOOTeen. They took a picture of me and went their way. It seemed like ages before we got started. Before I knew it, the day was over and I was sent home to wait for a word back.

When I got my letter, it felt strangely thin. Immediately, I felt disappointed. However when I opened the letter, I saw the word ‘congratulations’ and the disappointment was quickly changed into relief. I took a deep breath and smiled from ear to ear. I was one of the lucky ones. I rushed inside to tell my parents but I couldn’t stop shaking with both excitement and adrenaline.

When I was invited back for my training sessions, I received the tokens that I hold so close to me now. The bright yellow shirt with the orange circle that says ‘Toledo ZOOTeen’ along with my zoo name tag. Even though the are light they are heavy to me because I am so attached to the zoo itself, along with the people in the program and the memories that each day brings.

Thank you for giving me a second home, a place where I can feel welcomed and appreciated whenever I decide to come in. Where the familiar dinging of the gate opening and the short walk to the little office with glowing yellow walls tell me that I am where I truly belong.

The author's comments:
This is a personal letter about something that I carry, regardless if it is good or bad. My letter is to the Toledo ZOOTeen program and how grateful I am to be a part of it and to join them in all the hard work that they do for the community.

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