Life's a precise thing | Teen Ink

Life's a precise thing

July 25, 2013
By amdistin BRONZE, Auburn, New York
amdistin BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine you’re in a room. The walls are white, it’s cold, and the windows are covered so its dark. All you can smell is bleach and alcohol as it burns your nose, and sometimes you can hear a quite beeping of machines down the hall. You have an IV in each arm, in your left fluids are being pumped into your body, and in your right a lady it taking your blood. Your mother has just left to get you clean clothes, and your doctor has entered the room. He tells you that the dire pain you feel in your right side is a sever kidney infection and if you didn’t come when you did, you would have died.

I was at my brothers 14th birthday party, and I was sitting on the couch with my now ex boyfriend. For most of the day my side hurt, but like usual I ignored the pain. Then I started to lose conciseness. If your body gets put through to much pain at once, it will start to shut down in till it can fix its self, kind of like Acoma. That’s what mine started to do, shut down. My dad came in and saw me a sleep on the couch and told my now ex boyfriend to wake me up. He started to blow in my ear, witch he knew I hated; I woke up long enough to punch him then I went back to sleep. Then my mom came in and took my tem…104.5… She shook my till I woke up and took me straight to the hospital.

When we got there the tried to put my in a weal chair; I fought them, but they won because I could hardly walk. They gave me an emergency room and they tried to put an IV in my arm and take my blood. I fought them again and tried to flee they room, but I couldn’t walk and they won again so I let the nurse take my blood, hoping that she wouldn’t drain me. Then they wanted an internal scan of my body, a CAT scan I think. They made me sit in a wheel chair again, and I was fairly calm in till they tried to put my in the machine. It was so big I thought it was going to eat me alive, it had red lights every where like it was angry an a big hole that could have been the mouth.

Still semi delusional the hospital sent me home that night around 2 am with some type of medication. Latter that day the pain was worse. My mom made me sleep on the couch, an when I got up to go to my room I barley made it; I made it to my dresser next to the door an then I ended up on the floor holding my side crying. I was in so much pain; it felt like some one was taking a 300-year-old rusty broken knife and stabbing me with it rapidly; Over and over and over. Luckily not even five minutes after I ended up on the ground, my mom came into my room. She helped me get dressed and then we were off to the hospital again.

When we got to the hospital I chugged a bottle of ice water, not even a minute after I drank it they took my temp…103.3… They omitted me to the hospital, I was there for seven days, awake only two hours’ a day. the doctor told me that if I didn’t come when I did I could of died. Can you imagine being told that you just escaped death? It made me realize how delicate life really is. How easily it can be taken away.

Don’t take life for granted, because it’s your life live it, its to precise to waste.

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