Best Friend | Teen Ink

Best Friend

June 26, 2013
By Anonymous

I'd argue about something for hours with you...then forget what it was we were talking about.

I could sit with you in silence and not feel uncomfortable.

I text you...and you don't text back. But when you do, you make me smile.

You don't realise how important you are to me...and probably never will. I've always been rubbish at sentimentality.

I get so sick of people talking about 'us'.

I get a little bit jealous when you like another girl.

I laugh away my tears in front of you.

You know nothing about my depression...because I'm afraid you won't want to be my friend.

You compliment me...and I insult you. As a joke.

I steal all your food...all the time. But you hardly ever accept mine. Is this because you hate Prawn Cocktail crisps?

You were there for me...even when I wasn't there for you.

3 years and counting. I count everything.

I look up to you more than anyone. But...maybe that's because you're now taller than me. You make fun of me for being small now.

I complain about...everything. To you. And you listen.

I do things you tell me not sing. Oops.

I whisper in front of you...even though I don't need to whisper.

I talk about girly things too much and too often. You still don't notice I wear make-up every day.

I feel like your family doesn't like me...because I'm a girl. You get mad whenever I say this. Maybe I'm paranoid?

I call you gay...even though we both know you're not.

I don't always listen when you talk about superheroes and comic book characters...but maybe it's payback because you don't listen when I talk about One Direction.

You're the person I want to share every experience with.

You're the person who I laugh the most with...but I've never cried in front of you.

Well, I have. But...on the phone. Once. And you didn't notice.

I wish I could spend all my time with you. But I never have the guts to ask you to meet up. Because you don't always reply.

I tell everything to you...apart from one thing.

You carry my PE bag sometimes. It makes me smile...and I feel safe. Thanks. But...I guess my PE bag is pretty heavy.

Your face trembles when you're about to cry. I always look away when I see this. I hate it.

I know I don't deserve you and you're amazingness. Yes, I've decided that's a word.

I smile because you smile.

We have really different music tastes.

I make fun of your flaws...but I only mean it as a joke. You make fun of mine too. I don't always take it as a joke.

I wrote this months ago and never told anyone...and I still haven't told you, even though I'm posting it right now.

These are all the things you might hate about me...but somehow you're still my best friend. You have no idea how thankful I am of that.

The author's comments:
Just a little something I'd like to say about you...
I love you.

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