the tin of tea | Teen Ink

the tin of tea

June 24, 2013
By esther_yoon BRONZE, Seoul, Other
esther_yoon BRONZE, Seoul, Other
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Take one cautious sniff. The smell punches its way to the brain, jerking it awake in a most unpleasant manner. Imaginary needles poke and prod uncomfortably as the brain tries to make sense of this new aroma (which so rudely announced its presence). It is floral and somewhat mint-flavored with a hint of cinnamon. It is so sharp, so fresh, and invigorating; however, it is also extremely strong. The heady aroma makes the mind ache and squirm with dizziness as it fights the piercing attacks. The lemon-like scent creeps into the nose and fans out, settling like an uncomfortable, prickly blanket over the senses. Exhausted by the sudden, vicious attack, the brain warily reassesses the tin of tea. Rubbing its sore injuries, the brain somewhat grumpily settles down again on the watch for more unforeseen dangers.

The author's comments:
A few years ago, I took one whiff from an old tin of tea, and this was my experience.

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