Writer's Block | Teen Ink

Writer's Block

April 29, 2013
By black0widow666 SILVER, Avon, New Jersey
black0widow666 SILVER, Avon, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Dear future generations: Please accept our apologies. We were rolling drunk on petroleum.”
― Kurt Vonnegut

Why do I write? The answer is I don’t know why. Then again I don’t know why I breathe the way I do or why life handed me the problems that it did. Maybe it’s because I’m creative and need to express that creativity through the words I write. But who knows? Or maybe I write because I need to express my problems in a peaceful way before the walls of my room are littered with holes from my fists. But if I have that many issues, shouldn’t I just go to counseling to deal with my problems? The question is too general. It is the equivalent to the question What is your favorite song? I just don’t know, and I’m not going to try to be an overachiever and come up with some ingenious answer to appease you. Sorry but that’s the truth.

I have no clue what to write half of the time. It always starts out with an immense amount of writer’s block. I usually find myself writing about writer’s block. The paper refuses to come alive at the touch of my pen and my monitor remains barren while my mind is just as empty. Gray clouds outside scattered across my star crossed wasteland. But no, that sounds ridiculous. Why on earth would my audience want to read about that? Would they really care about what I have to say, or do I need to add a love triangle with a vampire and a werewolf to catch their attention? Why do I write? To defy society and make people listen to my stories instead of kissing a** and giving the audience what they want.

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