When I Was In Wonderland | Teen Ink

When I Was In Wonderland

March 17, 2013
By Nicole.M. GOLD, Thomasville, Pennsylvania
Nicole.M. GOLD, Thomasville, Pennsylvania
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

I was proud when I stood there looking out at the applauding audience. I had just finished the play I was in and all of us bowed. Let me start from the beginging. I was in an acting class at LIU. We were given pieces of paper that had a paragragh of the part we were auditioning for. We only had ten minutes but I memorized mine every time. That way I could add stuff like a clap or a twirl. one play we were doing was 'Alice In Wonderland', the biggest one we were doing. I auditioned for the rabbit, the queen, and the mad hatter. But since the Alice part was the biggest and I was good at learning parts, I was Alice. Everyone elso had two parts but my part was so big I only could do one. I remember that I had 63 notecards with just my lines and the one before. I was able to completly memorize the first scene but only pieces after that. I loved being the star of the show. Everyone was impressed. It was amazing.

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