Where I Got My Designer Genes | Teen Ink

Where I Got My Designer Genes

March 17, 2013
By Nicole.M. GOLD, Thomasville, Pennsylvania
Nicole.M. GOLD, Thomasville, Pennsylvania
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

My grandpa had surgery. The docters put something in him near his heart. They said he couldn't work much so he wouldn't move it. Obviously these people don't know my grandpa. If you wanted him to stop working you probaly would have to chain him to a tree. That is probaly the only thing that would work, until he decides to cut the tree down. You could say he is a mechanic because technically he is. But he does a lot more stuff than that. Oh, right, um...he doesn't have a real job anymore. (He quit. He just does all that other stuff for fun.) He also cuts down trees. Then he cuts them into pieces to fuel his woodstove. He also has a workshop with all kinds of tools. So, my grandpa didn't listen and he worked. He said it was okay because he usually did moe than that. But he shouldn't have been doing anything. My mother and my dad's sister were complaining about it. But I understood. I can't stand to do nothing either just like my grandpa....and my father.

The author's comments:
Yes, I meant to have my title that way.

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