Sister-like | Teen Ink


March 17, 2013
By Nicole.M. GOLD, Thomasville, Pennsylvania
Nicole.M. GOLD, Thomasville, Pennsylvania
13 articles 0 photos 3 comments

My best friends are like sisters to me. We fight but it's okay and we annoy each other sometimes but it just proves my point. We understand each other. Alexa, my one friend helped me. I was having 'boy troubles' and she was helpful. She understood what I was going through. My other friend, Maria, Was texting me and kept complaining that she couldn't go to the football game. I knew immediatly that she wanted me to take her since I'd already planned to go. I would never ask for better bffs. They are the best. Nothing will change that. Time and distince can't even seperate us. I would do anything for them. They would do anything for me.

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The names used are fake to protect the people's identities.

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