To Cherish the Moments | Teen Ink

To Cherish the Moments

March 7, 2013
By LilDomo GOLD, East Saint Louis, Illinois
LilDomo GOLD, East Saint Louis, Illinois
17 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I lived to learn my lesson. What lesson was that? It was the lesson that you can never leave the person you love for the person you just meet. Sometimes you wonder if the person you like will treat you as if it was the person you were in love with but you have to remember you guys just meet. Wishing everything will get better but it only get worse by the second. Even if you like them so bad it’s not as easy to forget about that person you shared good memories with, shared your laugh cries and maybe even pain. Some love can hurt so bad that you just love them for the hurt they put you threw and not the joy they shared. But some relationships can be a so romantic like the fairy tales but they can’t go wrong in without any cause. If you think its not working write it down and give it to that person to let them know how you really feel about the things they did to make you unhappy or tell them they make you just want to give up. But you don’t want to give up because it’s going to chew you up inside by you leaving that person. You should think before you make a mistake. Cause I did and I swear my insides or chewed up because I did that. But if you do don’t go find someone else as soon you all brake up that hurt people feelings but it will get better one day. Love hurt but it don’t hurt that bad to mistreat someone.

The author's comments:
Special comes once year around. Cherish that moment to the end..

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