Highschool Freshman Tips | Teen Ink

Highschool Freshman Tips

February 12, 2013
By JustMeeeeee BRONZE, Meriden, Connecticut
JustMeeeeee BRONZE, Meriden, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hi. I'm new here but I noticed that alot of people always ask for tips for their freshman year of highschool, so I'm here to help. Freshman year isn't that bad, I know as soon as that day comes you're going to be very nervous, but after the next day everything will be alright. I remember my freshman year.. It was last year. On the first day I had to walk to school, and I met up with a friend to walk with because he went to a school right before mine, so we walked. Right at the middle of both our schools, we stopped walking. I looked at him in the eyes because I was so nervous! He said to me, "There's no need to be nervous, everything's gonna be alright." I took his word for it, I gave him a hug goodbye, and kept walking. As soon as I entered those doors everyone looked at me. I was so nervous because I was new there. I just kept my head up and kept walking like nothing bothered me. The classes were just us doing activities, so nothing to worry about there.. Then lunch came. I got my lunch in the lunch line, and I had talked to a couple of people from my classes before, but they weren't in my lunch wave. I didn't know what to do. But then I spotted my friend Pamela from 8th grade, and I sat with her.. So I was pretty lucky there. At the end of the day, I went to my locker to get my stuff, and I accidently bumped into a cute sophmore.. He said, "Oh I'm sorry" and he walked away but I looked back and saw him staring at me with a smile. By the way if you meet someone freshman year (a boy) keep in touch with them, they might turn out to be someone very important in your life. Like that boy I bumped into, he's currently my boyfriend and we've been dating since 7/2/12. His name is David. Omg he's so sweet too. Well I hope you take my tips for your freshman year next year. Goodluck!

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece was that there is so many kids out there that are worried for highschool and I just wanted them to know that there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

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