Early Morning Wonder | Teen Ink

Early Morning Wonder

January 4, 2013
By LivvySand BRONZE, Mascoutah, Illinois
LivvySand BRONZE, Mascoutah, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The color of the Western heavens makes it look like an Easter egg. The sky is lavender and salmon with a splash of purple and mixed with a nice dark sky blue or maybe a light turquoise. Yet they are not just individual colors, but one color combined, blended together. Truly like an Easter egg.

The author's comments:
On December 19 of last year, I awoke about six in the morning unable to go back to sleep. I went to the kitchen and stared at the color of the sky in awe. I quickly went to the living room, grabbed my notebook, and returned to the kitchen. This piece is about my own personal account of the sky. However, I will never truly be able to fully describe the beauty I saw that day.

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