Family | Teen Ink


October 4, 2012
By Heytaytayyy BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Heytaytayyy BRONZE, Auburn, New York
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My family is very important to me, but I didn’t realize how much they all meant to me until my uncle died. I now know not to take anything for granted and to respect everyone and everything in my life because everything comes to an end and some things come sooner than others.
On father’s Day 6 years ago, I lost a very special person in my life. My uncle Marc died and it was a very hard time for my whole family. He was the type of person who would brighten your day when you’re feeling down. He had a wife named Lori, and a son named Jacob who is not much younger than me. My cousin handled his father’s death very well because he felt he needed to be the man of the house from then on, so he didn’t do much crying even though I could tell he wanted to.
My uncle’s death was very sudden and nobody saw it coming. He had a heart attack and a blocked artery. My aunt gave him CPR and tried everything she could but it wasn’t enough. He didn’t die in bed but he died in the hospital, there wasn’t much they could do to save him.
Waking up at 6 o’clock in the morning and hearing the phone ring then hearing my mom yell “What do you mean he died?!?!” made me realize that life is too short and can be gone any second. While I was at the funeral, seeing my uncle in the casket and everyone around me in so much pain made me realize that you don’t know how much you have until it’s gone.
I learned a lot from my uncle’s sudden death. I learned that it is very important to be a healthy eater and exercise regularly. I also learned that life could be gone in the blink of an eye and you shouldn’t take life and family for granted.
Now, 6 years later, I know never to take any of my family for granted. You shouldn’t take your family for granted because they are the ones who deserve the most gratitude, by showing love and support every day of your life. My aunt and cousin are very happy. They live in the same house as this happened and have a lot of pictures of him all around the house. Even though he is gone, he will never be forgotten. Do you respect everything and everyone in your life?

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