Loneliness | Teen Ink


September 24, 2012
By eelikay BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
eelikay BRONZE, Cleveland, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sometimes feel lonely because it seems that very few people think the way I do and understand my ideals. I have just a couple friends that really understand me. Most of my classmates are idiots in my opinion. They are stupid. They are literally mentally challenged. A lot of times other people get annoyed at me for participating in class too much. I don’t know if it’s because they think I am trying to show them up and make them feel dumb. Or maybe they think I am trying to be a teachers pet. But what they do not understand is that I really do enjoy the class.

So many people on the internet are dumb and they do not know how to do things that I know. They do not even know how to follow simple directions. I try to help them do things in video games and online games and they cannot do what I tell them. I try to explain things in simple terms and step by step but they screw things up because they do not do what I say. This frustrates me and is very annoying. I taught myself everything I know about computers by searching on the internet and finding tutorials. I don’t understand people that don’t want to help themselves in this way.

Girls don’t like me. They are all b****es and they don’t want a nice guy like me. They say they want a sweet guy but they really want bad boys and guys that are hot. They like guys like Harry Styles and other guys just for their looks. The only girl I get along with is just a friend but even she doesn’t really get me. Most of what we talk about it just funny stuff on the internet and trivial things. So she doesn’t really know me deep down.

The couple of friends that I do have that seem to understand me and think like me really just happen to have the same interests and they are smart like me. I don’t have to explain things to them. Except they are both stubborn and so am I. All three of us are reluctant to try the things that the others suggest. So that is frustrating.

I am lonely because there is nobody else in this world that has the same personality as me. Nobody seems to understand my personality. Most people don’t have the same sense of humor as me. Nobody seems to have the same taste in music as me. I don’t think anyone else agrees with my ideals about justice and fairness. I am a very unique individual which I know is good but I feel lonely because other people don’t understand me.

The author's comments:
this was a writing assignment

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