Divorce | Teen Ink


September 24, 2012
By Anna Altinger SILVER, Friendswood, Texas
Anna Altinger SILVER, Friendswood, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Door closed, ear plugs in, papers and books scattered on the floor.This was a typical school night, but I couldn’t concentrate.After reading a sentence, I had to read it two or three more times just to comprehend what was being said.My studying was going nowhere; even with my closed door and earplugs, I still heard the screaming.My parents fought a lot, but the past two years “a lot” became more of a daily commotion.Some things were petty, like who would drive my sister, Kristin, to school; others more serious, like questions of fidelity.Seconds later my door flew open and my parents barged in.They started screeching statements I didn’t want to hear.Statements like, “You’re going to public school senior year,” and “Looks like you’re not going to college since we can’t afford it,” were the latest.My eyes filled with tears, causing my vision to blur.Thankfully, moments later, they left, but shortly after I heard glass shatter.Without even realizing I was walking towards the front door, I turned the brass doorknob and felt the humid August heat.And I ran.I ran five blocks; when I hit the sixth I started to walk.
Even with the street lights the neighborhood was still dark and the occasional light breeze sent shivers down my spine.I hit my watch causing the time to glow fluorescent green.11:34.My hand was tightly clenched around my phone, which started to vibrate.Both my parents called and left messages.I know they were trying.They wanted to hold onto their marriage so our family didn’t fall apart, but their efforts failed.Things were going to get worse before they got better; I had to accept that.After aimlessly wandering for twenty minutes I headed back to my house.In returning, the actual word “divorce” had arisen.
That night in bed I cried.When I finally got to sleep my alarm sounded and I was forced to leave my bed.Leaving the welcoming flower sheets and comforter was a struggle, but I had a routine to complete.I was the first one up, something I’ve had to grow used too.I headed to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast, simultaneously packing Kristin’s and my lunch.Then, onto my least favorite task; waking Kristin up.She had the same protests every morning so I was forced to create a military tactic; snatching her covers off and turning the lights on.It worked almost instantly every time!We would then finish getting ready and head to school.When I got home I finished the routine by making spaghetti for dinner and doing laundry for the next day.Each day the cycle would repeat.
My parents are both good people, they’re just not good together.Yes, they’re going through a divorce but I know things will get better.I’ve had to grow up faster than the average teenager but in doing so I’ve gained a lot of knowledge and experience.Despite this hardship I’ve remained optimistic, because I know this situation isn’t permanent and something good will come out of it.

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