Cancer Causes Hurt | Teen Ink

Cancer Causes Hurt

August 29, 2012
By SumSum GOLD, Farmington, Missouri
SumSum GOLD, Farmington, Missouri
10 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I know everyone gone through a loss and everyone has their own way of dealing with it. but the person I lost was what we call "A True Knight." He was my kindergarten buddy, my first crush, my best friend and most of all he's my hero.

His name is Walker Henry. He passed away November 3,2011. He was only 14 years old when he died with a Leukaemia (a type of cancer). The battle he fought for about 2 years is a battle no-one wants to go through. Walker had a dream to play football for the Farmington Black Knight football team. Whats sad is he was only 1 year short of that dream coming true.

Now once I heard Walker had passed away I acted like I could handle it but I knew I couldn't. It just broke me. I wasn't the same. I cried every night for months. I even cried at school but at my school no-one knew Walker so they didn't understand why I was crying. If it wasn't for my friend Hannah helping me along the way I don't know what I would have done. She knew what Walker had been through because she is a cancer survivor so she was someone I went to and talked to every time I was upset and missed him. She knew so much Walker meant to me and she was there for me no matter what.

A month after Walker passed away my schools Student Council and Honor Society (I was in Honor Society) made a trip to build a bear to make a bear for a kid who was sick in the hospital and could not go home for Christmas. I decided to make one and name it Walker. I gave it a football, helmet and put a Mizzou football jersey on it because black and gold are the Farmington's colors. That bear got donated to a kid as sick as walker, but I knew that bear would give him the strength, and braveness like Walker had. When I went and donated the bear to Jefferson Memorial Hospital, they loved it. They told me it was their favorite bear, which made me happy and even though Walker wasn't here to see this, I knew he knew what I was doing and was happy.

Its been 9 months since Walker died and his family and friends hosted the 2nd annual Run/Walk/Ride for Walker. They raised money for Walkers friends who have cancer and other children who have cancer.

Every month it gets harder getting use to him being gone but knowing he is up in heaven watching over us makes me feel better. I say goodbye now to him. It wont be forever because I know someday, I will meet up and see him and that is the day I will stop missing him.

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This article has 1 comment.

cwoww34 said...
on Nov. 29 2012 at 9:44 am
Seeing this Article reminded me so much of my friend Jamie, he died november 19, 2010 of cancer.