Confessions of a High School Sophomore | Teen Ink

Confessions of a High School Sophomore

July 21, 2012
By Anonymous

I think Riley Murtz is beautiful, even though he’s out of my league. I believe acting is one of the only ways to get emotion through to some people. I’ve always been secretly in love with my best-guy-friend since the day I met him… I dream that he and I will get married one day. Well, when I actually dream the good stuff. I think band needs to count as a P.E. grade on a transcript. Art is beautiful. I sing, dance in my underwear when no one is really looking, and drool over a boy who lives 200 miles from me, even though I’m in a fine relationship of my own… Even if the guy doesn’t even know it! Yet... Center snare of our drum line. Sexy, huh?

Those are just a few confessions of me… I have a lot more secrets than I should. Like, Jimmy Collins, in my 4th hour Advanced English class thinks the teacher is beautiful! But she’s only maybe pushing fifty and doesn’t look a day over thirty. Or that my best friend has a crush on our assistant theatre director, or “Commander” as he likes to have us call him. I do have to say, Mr. Jacobs is pretty, uh... I don’t really know how to put this into theatre terms... He’s uh, let’s just say perfect. He really gets in on his work, and is just like a student! It’s great!

I even know that Mr. Jacobs thinks I’m the best in class! He gives me main roles and uses me as examples all the time. I know that Lucy is jealous though, because Mr. Jacobs had me swing dance with him once to show the class what our next assignment was to learn for the next show!

I know that I’m crazy. Just absolutely insane because I have visions that haunt me. And Isaac Mills in my Biology class worries about me because I fell asleep once and woke up screaming and bleeding from my hairline… It’s really thrown quite a curveball into my high school career! Last quarter, I was failing all of my classes because I slept all hours. Why? I never slept at night. Afraid to “see”. People call me crazy; even I know it’s all in my head! But how it shows on the outside, I just don’t know. All of my teachers worry about me… I think it’s sad that they do because they have better things to worry about! Like, ending world hunger, stopping Global Warming, or even saving the dolphins! Even my directors have noticed a change with me in the past four years. That’s not good.

But… I guess I should come clean! Hello! My name is Savannah Marie White; I’m a sixteen year-old sophomore who has a major sleeping disorder. I believe in using middle names when introducing yourself. I believe in life after death, because you’re not really gone. I believe in sleeping during the day, because I’m afraid of the dark.

The author's comments:
Names in this original entry have been changed to save embarrassment of them and myself. Mainly myself... But everything mentioned in this piece is 100% true.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 23 2012 at 3:48 pm
Eliquencity PLATINUM, Winfield, Illinois
20 articles 0 photos 28 comments
Nice peice - interesting and real.