My Friend and Cancer | Teen Ink

My Friend and Cancer

May 23, 2012
By HaydenHatfield BRONZE, Fairhope, Alabama
HaydenHatfield BRONZE, Fairhope, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is about a good friend by the name of John Dean and the positive influences he gave before he passed. He was an instructor at Eastern Shore Tae-Kwon-Do center and this is how I met him and now will never forget him. He was a 2nd degree black belt and placed in countless local and even national tournaments. He was friendly with everybody he met and was just a great guy to know. He worked at Zaxbys and I used to ask for my food to be made by him, but It didn’t always work out. He took the tenants of TKD (shortened version of Tae-Kwon-Do) by heart; Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, Adnominal Spirit. These words have influenced his as much as my life at a very young age. The day I found about his death I was getting ready for school and that’s when the first tears started rolling. The whole day felt unreal and wasn’t happening until I found myself on a football field with a marching snare on me performing the halftime show with all of my fellow band mates. Then there was the first day back to TKD that was both awkward and fun at the same time as it felt like something was missing. The thing is, something was missing, a good friend to all of us there, I will miss you John Dean and all the good memories you gave me.

The author's comments:
John's good actions and deeds told me that everyone should know.

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