Life to America | Teen Ink

Life to America

May 17, 2012
By Anonymous

(Based on a real life story)

I have had some few special memories, but this one is beyond special. It’s mostly about my mom and i. it was bout 2002-2003 in Monrovia, Liberia which is in Africa. I don’t remember how old I was but I do remember what those years meant, because they were important, special, and was how I got to America. There was a war around 2002 to 2003. I was a little boy in a town in Liberia.

There were a lot of things happening at that time. My mom was a nurse in her 30’s working hard every day to keep us alive. My mom’s other siblings were also hard worker, helping us clean the house, cook, wash clothes, and go shopping for food. One day my mom was watching the news and the news reporter said there was going to be a war and the whole Liberia, was going to be in trouble. People were going to get killed or used as rebels. There was a safe place that we could go at that time, until we could go to another country.

We headed to a refugee camp far away from Monrovia. Few days passed and we were pack. We had money to buy food and other supplies. I remember having my little backpack that carried my things. ‘’ you were a pretty strong kid at your age my mom would say’’. As we evacuated from our town, we had to be smart that the soldiers were going to kill anybody they saw.

One afternoon while we were walking, there were many soldiers driving on the road, so we quickly hurried in a big bush to hide. When they were long gone we continued our walk. When we were at the refugee camp, there were other soldiers from America there to help us and protect us. There were many people there with tents set up everywhere. We spent months at the refugee camp until it was safe to evacuate. We went to SIERRA, LEONE to stay there.

My mom married a man named JENKINS in 2004 and that was where our new lives begin. My mom siblings went on with their lives. My dad worked in the army and was able to file our paperwork for me and my mom and we were able to come to AMERICA for our first time.

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i have nothing

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