Drums | Teen Ink


May 15, 2012
By Tanner Linn BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
Tanner Linn BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some people work very hard to succeed, while some people are just born with talent. Unfortunately, I had to try very hard on the drums. When I was six years old, I started learning the drums. There are many different styles to playing drums. There is rock, metal, disco, jazz, blues, country, pop, and more. There is a different style for paying drums with every different style of music. My favorite style is either disco or rock. When I was little, I had a drum teacher come in and teach me. He would teach me the basic stuff and I had to improve every week on what he taught me. One of the main things he made me do was keep good time.

Keeping good time is the root to being a good drummer. If you can’t keep time, stop playing! One of things he made me do is play with a song. Then he turned off the music and I had to playing. Then he would turn the music back on and check to see if I was on the same time as the music. We did this repeatedly time to make sure I could keep good time. It helped me, and I believe it is the best way to accomplish good timing.

I have been drumming for ten years now, and I love it so much. I plan to never stop playing, never stop practicing. Practice really does make perfect. I love playing for my church and for my school’s jazz and concert band. I love everything about it, and I want to become a drum instructor.

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