Community Service Awards | Teen Ink

Community Service Awards

May 9, 2012
By Lauren Beischel BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
Lauren Beischel BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In middle school many teenagers are addicted to their cell phones, Xbox, IPads etc. A lot of them never take the advantage that they have and take the time to enjoy the nature surrounding them. They don’t notice how lucky they are to have the chance to enjoy the safe neighborhood that they live in. I personally love being outside and enjoying the fresh air. I do many things to help the environment such as planting pots, cleaning the garbage around the school, and simply recycle your trash.

Since I am a Girl Scout, my troop and I always do activities to help make the world a better place. We help the environment such as planting pots in the Courtyard at our school. Planting pots in the courthouse not only makes the world cleaner and fresh, but it also makes it look so colorful and beautiful. We always plant the pots in the courtyard every fall but we always do it at the beginning of spring too. Yet it makes the world a better living environment it makes the school look more clean and colorful.

Another thing we do as a Girl Scout troop is help clean up the garbage outside and inside the school. Kids don’t realize how much it would help the environment if we just cleaned up one piece of garbage at a time. It is very important that we start cleaning the environment now instead of waiting till our pollution gets too bad that we can’t do anything to get rid of it. Starting to clean now will help generations in the future.

A key element in helping to change the world to be cleaner is to recycle. Recycling is essential to do if we want to help our generations to come. We need to make one step at a time to clean the earth. Recycling is such a simple task to do. It’s the fast that people are too lazy to put it in the right bin for recycling. This is such a helpful way to clean the earth yet people don’t have the audacity to even care how they can help.

Being in a Girl Scout troop is such a good way to help the world get green. There are so many ways to help the world get clean. You can plant gardens, clean up any garbage, and simply recycle your plastic to help global warming. These tasks are so simple to follow and if everyone does these easy tasks our environment can be greener each and every day.

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