Grandmother | Teen Ink


May 7, 2012
By Aracely SILVER, Grove, Oklahoma
Aracely SILVER, Grove, Oklahoma
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every day is a very special for me because God has given me the privilege to be here one more day and because I have very amazing people in my life like my family, teachers, friends, and grandparents. On March 19, a very special person was born. Her name is Wilma. She is tall and very pretty. She is always well dressed, wears glasses, and has pretty short gray hair with some black in it. She really isn’t my grandmother, but I love her very much and respect her. March 19 is special to me because it is her birthday, and even though she is really just my neighbor, I have learned so much from her. I appreciate that so much, and I am grateful that God gave me the opportunity to meet her and help her.

Every year I try making her birthday wonderful by giving her a gift and a big hug. On her birthday I can also help her make a pie for herself. I would do it by myself in the morning but I don’t know how to cook. Two years ago I went over to her house in the morning, to say happy birthday, and she was still in bed. I decided to play a trick on her. I got a tub of Cool Whip out of the refrigerator. I picked up a plastic bowl she had lying on the counter top, and into it I put some Cool Whip, a little bit of chocolate, and some nuts. Before I went into her room to sing happy birthday to her, I had to plan how I would hit her face as soon as she woke up. After some thought, I finally had a plan. I would sing to her, and, as soon as she started getting out of bed, I would get her so she didn’t have time to put on her glasses. I did it just as planned and she and I laughed. Then she cleaned her face, and I gave her gifts of a cookbook, a scarf, some chocolates, and a bouquet of roses. She was absolutely happy. Later that night, I took her out to eat at her favorite restaurant. I really try to make her birthday as happy as possible. Even though she is not related to me, I consider her my grandma.

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