Birthday | Teen Ink


May 7, 2012
By andrachilders BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
andrachilders BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My favorite birthday memory is from my seventeenth birthday. I went over to my friend's house to go swimming and lay out with her, and when I got there all of our friends were there to surprise me for my birthday. I had no idea that they would all be there and I was so surprised and excited.
My birthday is in July so it was a beach themed party with beach balls and leia's everywhere. We swam forever in the hot sun, then ate ice cream and opened presents.
My favorite present I received was a hamster. I named him Peaches and brought him everywhere I went.
After we swam and did presents we went to my favorite restaurant to eat. It's a really cool place that you pick out your meat, then vegetables and sauce you want on it, and put it in a bowl and they put it on the grill and cook it for you.
It was a really fun birthday and I'm so glad all my friends threw a surprise party for me.

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