The Ironical Eco-Warrior | Teen Ink

The Ironical Eco-Warrior

April 22, 2012
By Dalia123 BRONZE, Dubai, Georgia
Dalia123 BRONZE, Dubai, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”

“Only when the last tree has been cut down,
Only when the last river has been poisoned
Only when the last fish has been caught
Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten”

In these technologically advancing times, the present world has been undergoing drastic changes in various fields. Irrespective of how big or small these fields are, people always find that these days everything is faster, newer and easier. The modern man has been working hard and striving towards progress through these currently occurring changes. But, unfortunately, these changes have been proved to be more of a curse than a blessing as it has ultimately caused global issues like pollution, deforestation etc

For as long as I can remember I have always had a deep passion to save the environment. At home, I always try to find alternative options for the large amount of plastic bags that are accumulating at home, I’m always complaining about how all offices and shopping malls leave their lights switched on long after hours. I also find that travelling the metro or any other form of public transport is much more eco-friendlier than travelling separately as this only contributes to the world’s ever increasing pollution scenario.

By these examples, I sound like a total environmentalist, right?

Yeah, that’s what I thought so too. Until I finally experienced what nature is like. Firsthand.

Whenever I visit India during the summer vacations I’m always welcomed by a heavy shower of rain. Honestly speaking, even though I’m against the entire concept of global warming and the whole world heating up merely due to man’s greed and man’s injudicious use of resources, I’m not exactly a big fan of rain either. I always try to stay as far away from rain as humanly possible. Secondly, my house in India is quite close to the woods so in the morning I’m always faithfully woken up the shrieks of the peacocks that escape into my garden. I’m fully aware that the peacock is the national bird of India and I, as a proud Indian, should take pride in its majestic beauty and everything but I would really appreciate it if it would stop substituting for my alarm clock and snap me out of my sleep when it is still dreadfully dark outside. The worms and centipedes in my garden are a whole different matter altogether. As surprising as it may seem, worms are actually agriculturally vital organisms whose contribution to the environment can be stated as anything but insignificant. They are known to make the soil more fertile and boost plant growth. They also help to increase wheat production by about a 100%. But it is extremely easy to appreciate and gasp in awe at how marvellous worms are when I am stuffed inside an apartment in a big city where I have never actually seen one in the flesh before. But now that I have actually seen them live, I would exchange the sight of its slimy body for the screeching wakeup call of the peacock, in a heartbeat.

But at the end of the day, I guess I can never actually hate the environment all that much. Sure, nature is gross and disgusting and watching only trees and greenery around is anything but entertaining and can even drive you crazy for a while. But I guess that is the fact of the matter. Amidst all these simple and avoidable shortcomings nature continues to be our home. It is nature’s cool air that we breathe, refreshing water that we drink, lush and green trees that we shelter in, fresh fruits and vegetables that we eat and abundant resources that we freely use. Finally, when all our machines fail, software’s break down and infrastructure crumple to the ground nature will be the only force willing to welcome us back into its loving care. Nature shall continue to be the binding force of all civilisation. Now, after everything it has done for us, it is our turn to help it during its gravest hour. Man’s unsatisfiable need has almost led the environment to its bitter death and now we are the ones who have to pay for our actions. We must join hands with one another and together work towards saving our world, bit by bit, if not for us at least for the sake of our future generation whose words of gratitude shall never be heard.

After all "a society is defined not only by what it creates but also by what it refuses to destroy."

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