A 7-year-old girl gets kidnapped | Teen Ink

A 7-year-old girl gets kidnapped

April 2, 2012
By Cody Rafferty BRONZE, Averillpark, New York
Cody Rafferty BRONZE, Averillpark, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Brittney is a seven year old girl who almost got kidnapped in the Georgia Walmart when she was looking at toys. Brittney and her mother were looking for valentines Day Cards. Her mother asked if she wanted to stay as the was shopping for Valentines Day Cards and her daughter said she wanted to stay and look at the toys. Why would her mother ask if she wanted to stay? Would you leave your seven year old alone in the store? I think there should be more guards in not just the Georgia walmart but all of the stores.

If you were that mother would you leave your child alone in the store? Thomas Woods a person in his mid 20’s tried to abduct Brittney Baxter last February as she was looking at toys. Brittney said “I kicked and screamed as hard as I could then he just dropped me and ran”.
Her mother said “I couldn't be prouder” but if she had her daughter with her the kidnapping wouldn't of happened to Brittney.

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