Everyone is Happier | Teen Ink

Everyone is Happier

January 11, 2012
By Melissa95 BRONZE, Decatur, Illinois
Melissa95 BRONZE, Decatur, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It takes one small change to send everything down the drain, but maybe it wasn’t small. It could’ve been big for your siblings. It’s like one moment your family is happy and the next they are all at each other’s throats. After that everything is wrong. You’re in the car waving good bye to your home, your school, your friends, and your dad.
Mine split up when I was nine or ten, but I really don’t know why. My mom and I were driving somewhere and she looked at me and asked, “Who do you want to live with?” I didn’t know what she was talking about so I just said her then we moved. Now I look back to that moment and it’s all a blur, but I do know it changed my life.

We moved to Harristown and lived with my grandparents. My dad got to keep the house, and my new school was horrible. I never really made any friends except for possibly one, but he probably just felt sorry for me. Then I would go home and that was my daily routine.

That was at my mom’s, but Dad’s wasn’t any better. I would rather suffer through school than go to my dad’s house. Right after the divorce was final, my dad got married and now I have step-siblings. Any chance I had at seeing my old friends was ruined. My dad had moved to Tuscola to be with my step-mom, but he wasn’t the same after that. Now he acts different around me, and my brother says it’s because I look like mom. I don’t think so; I think he misses the old time and he rushed into getting married because of that .
I moved back to meridian after 6th grade, and it’s been great since. The sad thing is I never cried like my mom did. My mom would cry every night. I don’t think I was sad either. Then again I don’t think I really knew what was going on, but if I could change the past I don’t think I would. My mom is happier without my dad and I can do more stuff without him at the house. Even though he is sad, I think it will get better for all of us .

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on Jan. 19 2012 at 2:30 pm
Mollie96 BRONZE, Blue Mound, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
People were put onto this earth to push you to your absolute limit. i was put onto this earth to push back and show that i have no limit

melissa dear. this isd beautiful. absolutely beautiiful! haha i love you! (: