Shadow Rose | Teen Ink

Shadow Rose

January 3, 2012
By Anonymous

There I was standing alone in the vet’s office on a rainy Saturday morning. Looking down staring at my best friend for the past five years. Not knowing when Doctor Kraft was going to open the wooden door and stop everything…
All I wanted for Christmas my fifth grade year was a show dog. I didn’t get it for Christmas but for Easter I woke up to an amazing surprise! I walked down stairs from my room and there on the stone fireplace ledge was a white basket with a small pink fuzzy blanket hanging out of it. As I walked closer a small black head popped up with a pink bow on its head. When I finally reached the basket I picked up a small black puppy. The collar was pink with a tag that was shaped like a flower. The tag read, “Shadow Rose. Happy Easter Kendell!” I was so happy, a dog of my own to watch grow and play with. Better yet I had a dog I could show!
For the next year we trained every day for the Muscatine County Fair Dog Show. We worked on handling, agility, commands and speed. Every day was a challenge but we got better at the same time. That year of practice sure did pay off when the fair came. You sure did great! You won every class you were in and got grand Champion Dog over all. But that fall when we were practicing agility you tore your ACL. That ended our showing career really fast.
As years went by I watched you grow and our friendship kept growing closer. You became my best friend and you depended on me.
The spring of 2011 was when I noticed you beginning to change. My 110 pound peer bread black lab ran into everything and your depth perception was horrible. When I got you into the vet I thought everything would change and be good again. Doctor Kraft looked you over and thought you had hit something and bruised your eye. She gave us a cream to put on your eye for a week. She wanted to see you the next week to see if you improved. That week went by and the cream did nothing for you. When Doctor Kraft looked you over again she thought you had a tumor in your right eye. So we scheduled an appointment for you to get your eye removed the next week. That next week I thought your pain would be over. So when I took you in to Doctor Kraft I couldn’t wait for you to feel better so we could play again. When the vet called for me to come get you I was excited! I got you and brought you home. The next two weeks went by very fast and it seemed like you were improving! I could not wait for us to play again.
Then on a rainy Saturday morning you woke me by your loud sad whine. I did not know what to do other than call mom. I told her what was going on and she called Doctor Kraft. Mom called right back and told me to take you to the vet. It was only you and me going to the vet. When we got there Doctor Kraft told me that the eye they removed had no tumor in it. She looked you over and told me I had a choice. Doctor Kraft said she thinks you have a brain tumor. And there is really nothing we can do to save you. I had to choose to put you out of your pain or let nature take its course. I could not let you continue to be in pain. So I decided to put you down. Doctor Kraft gave me time with you alone while she got everything ready. I got on the table with you and hugged you while I cried. I let you know how much I loved you and how wonderful of a dog you were. You were everything and more I wanted in an animal. A best friend, a good laugh, a shoulder to cry on and my companion. When Doctor Kraft came back in I held you tight and cried as she gave you the shot. As the next few minutes went by you died in my arms. Even though it was hard I knew you were at the happy farm chasing rabbits, causing trouble, and you were not in pain any more.

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