Price Tags | Teen Ink

Price Tags

December 6, 2011
By denise_fnts BRONZE, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
denise_fnts BRONZE, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This article really touched me and showed me how everything does have a price no matter what, even love and life. I like how she was thinking on how to sell her fingers and hands just to give and have a better life for her family and herself. I thought when the girl got spanked her mom was going to hate her and sell her. But, when the little girl asked her mom how much she was worth her mother responded, "You my girl, are priceless."

At times, I ask myself why does everything have a price? Life and love does has a price. Love, you get your heart broken and at times it was for not listening to others or not taking the chance to leave the person when you could. Life, you have lots a chances but at times you don't take it because you think its the wrong choice and now we live in a life of violence, hatred, and racism.

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