FLAWless more | Teen Ink

FLAWless more

October 21, 2011
By Jasmyn Todd BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Jasmyn Todd BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Flaws build walls of steel and stone. Flaws are every were and everyone has some. But mine seem to stand out the most. People say things like: Her eyes are too big, she got some big lips, or what is that!? Ha Ha Ha’s is all I hear or people saying OH! She’s weird. You know what I say I say: YES! My eyes are huge! Huge and pretty, yes I do have big lips yeah! They full, full as can be but why do you care you did not make me, and why do you ask what is that? Well here let me answer that for you. I’m a human being with parts and emotions just like you. So why do you ask I have no clue. So look at me all you want and say what you feel. Because I don’t care I love me and this is what I feel, I feel that you try to point out my flaws all because at first sight I was too beautiful for you. So instead of staying with yours you tried to hop on mine. I feel sorry for you I’m sorry for your insecurities but I can’t help that. And if you don’t like me well that’s your problem because all I will do is kill you with kindness. I call myself different you call it weird so in this case YES! I am weird and not ashamed you probably would be but we are two different people. I won’t strive for perfection nor will I let anyone define who I am. So I’m going to do me and keep real to myself and you can keep your plastic personality just like everyone else. I guarantee cant nobody in the world look, act, or do it like me. I’m not flawless not at all but I am FLAWless more.

The author's comments:
i was inspired by all my haters they really inspired me to write this so thank you

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This article has 2 comments.

j t said...
on Feb. 7 2012 at 3:28 pm
j t, Louisville, Kentucky
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
nice:) poem

on Dec. 19 2011 at 8:36 am
Jasmyn Todd BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
thanks who ever rated me five out of five i really appreicated it i worked had on this poem but the ppl who discouraged me also inspired me as a writer but thanks