First Kiss | Teen Ink

First Kiss

October 17, 2011
By paint_it_black BRONZE, Victorville, California
paint_it_black BRONZE, Victorville, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I dont wish to mean everything to everyone, but it'd be nice to mean something to someone.

I'm laying in the dark when once again thoughts of you enter my mind. A tear spills from my tired eye. It seems just yesterday that you were sitting by my side, singing that sweet lullaby. God, how breath taking you looked that autumn afternoon. I recall the butterflies that fluttered through my stomach, and how my breathe would catch when you looked at me with those wide chocolate eyes. "These brown eyes are pathetic in comparison to yours," you whispered. Oh, but what a delight they were to me! Do you remember when you put your arm around me. Did you know how crazy I was for you? And when you kissed me, what a glorious moment! Could you feel my heart thudding against my chest, creating a rhythm between our bodies? Little did you know that it was my first. I was hesitant to admit it, but when I did a bright smile flashed across your face. That smile I loved so dearly. That smile placed gently on a face that seemed to have been carved by angels. Do you remember what happened next? You kissed me again. And now, alone in my room, I yearn for just one more kiss. But your long gone. If only I could tell you how much I miss your touch, your voice, your kiss. If I could only go back to that day, I would hold you tight and we'd never of left that moment.

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