college of my chice | Teen Ink

college of my chice

October 6, 2011
By RyanJW BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
RyanJW BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wonder what college you plan on attending? Have you ever wonder what college other people plan on attending? When I think about myself going to the college of my choice. I already know what college I am going to and where it is, why I chosen to go to this college and what I have planed for me to happen at this college.

First I will tell you The College that I plan on attending is a technical college. The name of this school is called whyotech. This school is four states away from Wisconsin. The name of this state is called Wyoming. At this college the only chose to teach the people of the world. That is called automotive and diesel mechanics

Second I will tell you why I chose to go to a college like this. The reason that I am choosing to go to a college like this is because. Way back before I could walk my dad helped some people out by fixing their cars. Every time that he would work on someone’s car or truck I would be outside in the garage helping him. He would tell me to go get a ratchet with a 9/16 socket on it I would go get it for him. Then when I got to the age of six my dad started to teach me all the parts of the car or truck and he would have me help him work on the cars. When I was working on someone’s car I would not care about what is happening outside. All that matter was what was wrong with that car. When I work on cars the first thing that I remember about it was that I could smell the oil’s and other smells in there and every now and then you would hear a toll hit the ground. Since then I took a more of a liking to working on cars. Also since I took working on more and more cars I had made a chose to buy my own tools, toolboxes, and all the power tools I need to work on cars. But the main reason on working on cars and what to pursue it as a career is because of my dad.

Thirdly I will tell you what I plan to do or accomplish when I go to this college. At this college I would like to go for two years instead of the one year. My reasoning behind wanting to do that is that. If I what to work a lot and I am working in a garage. Then there is an opening for diesel mechanic. I would have to go back to school to study diesel mechanics and I would have to take time off of work and go back to study the perfection. But instead of doing that I can do it for two years when I still want to and be ready for any job opening. Also why I want to go to a technical college is because if I go for a job against a person that did not go to a technical college. That company would be more up to pick me over someone that did not go to a technical college or study about the perfection I will be going for.

So that is what I have planned for me. That is the college I plan on attending and where this college is located, why I have chosen to go to this college, and what I plan on accomplish to happen at this school. So how do you think I will turn out by going to this college?

The author's comments:
this is a piece that tells you abut me and my college choice

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on Oct. 10 2011 at 10:28 pm
CinnamonBrickner BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Rain, I don't mind, shine, the weathers fine." - John Lennon

This is..good. But I believe maybe you should work on your spelling and grammer?