A New Adventure | Teen Ink

A New Adventure

September 30, 2011
By Landy Razafindrabe BRONZE, Great Bend, Kansas
Landy Razafindrabe BRONZE, Great Bend, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Passports are finalized and updated. Clothes are flying into the ceiling. Bulky, black suitcases pile up every foot in the house. People are scurrying throughout the house for last-minute items. Each family member’s voice was blasting from every direction within the house. Plane tickets are frantically being printed off. Today was the day when my family and I would travel overseas. An adventurous trip I’ll never forget; my first time overseas into a foreign country.

As we drove towards the airport, I had butterflies filling my stomach. I knew I would be okay, but traveling to a country I’ve never been to felt just like a dare. Even though I was scared and nervous, excitement engulfed my body. Imagination crammed my mind: the cities, food, scenery, language, and people. We pulled into the airport and checked-in. Once that was done, we lingered patiently at the gate, awaiting our twenty hour plane ride to our destination.

On board this extremely long flight, I yearned to be free. Crushed between a row of four seats, I had myself chained to the seat unable to move. Just like every little kid, my words and thoughts were all based upon the question, “Are we there yet?” After what felt like years of sitting, my family and I arrived in Madagascar. Oh how magnificent the country looked from both aloft in the sky and on dry land. Madagascar, an enchanting tropical island perfectly pictured on a postcard.
Shortly after our family arrived, our kindhearted relatives welcomed us with gigantic bear hugs. At that moment, I had a huge grin stretched across my face as wide as the ocean. I enjoyed being able to meet my relatives in person, but disappointment swept over like a current of air; replaced by a barrier causing a stumbling block for communicating. Malagasy, I was never fluent and I was just a beginner at learning a new language. It felt impossible to have a lovely conversation with my relatives at my low level of vocabulary. Inside my head, I yearned to put down this challenge, but the voice in back of my head kept pressing me to try. I finally gathered up my courage and gave it a shot; my relatives were very surprised and praised me like a child who had just taken its very first step. At that moment I felt like I was on cloud nine, my barrier of communication has been broken and I have faced my challenge!

Yet again I felt another fear creeping in on me. I wanted to enjoy my stay, but how could I release my fear of trying something new. Once more I had to challenge myself to confront a abundant amount of challenges which would include trying new food. I was in need of something to fill my vacant stomach which was continuously making these irritating noises. Before long my family and I were all headed to my grandparent’s house to dine. As I walked in I automatically spotted a large, beautiful auburn colored table, taking the spotlight like a star in the night sky. Within a blink of an eye, vivid colors were appearing on the table; fruits, side dishes, salad and entrées masked the entire table. Surpassing the layout of the table, a mouth watering aroma filled the atmosphere. My stomach has been fighting emptiness, and as soon as I smelled that home cooked aroma, I couldn’t resist myself from eating. I proceeded quickly to a seat and ate steamed rice and sautéed vegetables. As I sat there, an exotic fruit caught my attention. A fresh, smooth, light green peel covered its shape, and as I snatched it from the bowl, a sweet smell arose. Again I hesitated to face something new, but that voice in back of my head kept whispering, “Go ahead and eat it.” As I took a nibble into the fruit, my taste buds were filled with a burst of rich, sweet flavor and I craved for another bite. Never in my life had I tried something as fresh and naturally sweet as this fruit. Now I know that people were truly correct about tropical fruits in a foreign country. Not only were they rich in flavor, but they were also wrapped in a dazzling package covering the flesh of the fruit. I wanted to go into town and buy some.

As I walked into town with my parents, I felt insecure. No road rules were in sight and everybody seemed to drive so close together. Every second seemed like a collision could take place, but no accidents occurred. Other than spotting the roads, I also saw many marketplaces alongside the road. My eyes were shifting in every direction, bright colors filled every store. There was so much to see that for a second, I thought I was at a summer festival.

To me, Madagascar is a country occupied by countless appealing features. I like to think that Madagascar is similar to an amusement park, full of many different foods, places, and scenery. Being in Madagascar helped me realize what beautiful things I have missed out on life. I will never forget my wonderful voyage in a foreign country. Through this journey I have become a stronger person because of the challenges I’ve confronted and conquered.

The author's comments:
I hope people will not fear trying something new.

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