The Irony of Hospital Decor | Teen Ink

The Irony of Hospital Decor

August 9, 2011
By FlowerChildChandler BRONZE, Owensboro, Kentucky
FlowerChildChandler BRONZE, Owensboro, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Remember, if you seek out the opposite of the mainstream, you're still being influenced by the mainstream."

I really dislike doctors. And their offices. Mostly their waiting rooms though. I don't like that they are made out to be calming places. I don't like the neutral colored walls and I don't like the geometric patterns on the chairs, which there always seem to be. I think maybe the staff chooses them to say hey, we can be young and fun, just like you. But the truth is, no, they can't. If they could, I would be at a different office because tame and meticulous is ideal. I don't want Coyote Ugly taking my blood. I have qualms against the smell of sterility. It's like they run out of soap and water and turn to rubbing alcohol as an all-purpose cleaner. It smells like sick person in there. Which makes me wonder if I smell gross and soulless, since I'm a sick person. There is also something unsettling about having smiling finger-painting-looking art everywhere. I know that a forty-year-old bald man definitely made that piece, and I'd like to know who he thinks he's fooling. It's clear a three-year-old didn't happily dip their hands in primary colored paint and make this. This is not intended for refrigerator doors. Not fooled for a second. I think of all the bad news people have received within the walls of this hospital, and I wonder why they don't just paint everything black and play requiems in the background. Because that's what it looks like in my mind sometimes. And I wonder if maybe people would feel a little less mocked and a little more understood. No one smiles when they're diagnosed with chronic illnesses. Even with a love of gross irony, it can't be justified. It would be nice if the wall color inside the exam rooms didn't seem to celebrate shortened lives. A grey wall would do. And a doctor whose room wasn't named after a tropical bird would be nice as well.

The author's comments:
Due to several different illnesses, I feel like I'm constantly in and out of doctors' offices. At the time this was written, I was struggling with the mental and physical toll of these experiences. Every office seemed to have the same irritating traits that made me feel worse and worse. This piece got those feelings onto paper and out of my head.

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