I Am Gay | Teen Ink

I Am Gay

June 14, 2011
By Anonymous

As of late, there have been numerous discussions and arguments between my friends about being gay. Few people know that I am. And I have not told my family. Is it a horrible thing that I was born this way? because that is how I am. I don't choose to be this way, nor do i choose to be something else so that society will better accept me. Here's the deal; sexuality and who you are on the inside shouldn't be judged. At the very heart of the situation, we are all human. Yes, I may repulse some of you who read this, but I will not change for anyone. This is the world as it should be: accepting and loving of everyone. Sadly, our world isn't that way and it may never be. The question that each individual person must ask themselves is; Are you willing to accept what society tells you to or will you accept what your hear tells you?

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