stereo typeing | Teen Ink

stereo typeing

June 13, 2011
By austin ringel BRONZE, Everson, Washington
austin ringel BRONZE, Everson, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A group that I belonged to in my past is no ordinary group. It was made up of my buddy Harley, my other buddy Billy and me. We called ourselves "The Pack". We went by that name because we never went anywhere without each other.

We experienced a lot oh hate and jealousy being drawn towards us. Kids thought we were mean and tough because of the way we carried ourselves. Our appearance was sort of very rugged and rough looking. That's why we had a hard time making friends. Only the people who knew us all of our lives actually were our friends because they knew how we really were. What they didn't seem to realize is that we were none of those stereotypical gestures they tried to make us out to be. Even though we were only a three-member group people feared us like we were a whole football team. Kids never got enough of badgering us behind our backs.

The whole idea of this group was to make sure we stick together no matter what the situation was. We vowed to always be loyal to each other and to never let another person interfere. We were sort of like a small organization. We always found ways to make money rather it was bagging groceries or mowing lawn. These are some of the reasons why people thought we were things that we weren’t.

Therefore, even though we were a group we still fought each other. We constantly nagged each other about unimportant things. We would fight over who built the jump and who gets to hit it first or who's fastest BMX rider. These were typical things we did to each other just to nag one another. We started to drift from each other.

Once I moved to Washington I gained more friends but still gained a couple of what I call "haters". For once I felt like I fit in until one girl became jealous because her friends started to hang out with me. She thought I was intentionally trying to take her friends away from her. The different friends I had now seemed to like me just fine so screw the haters...

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 24 2011 at 4:07 pm
thankfate SILVER, HELLO WISCONSIN!!!, Wisconsin
9 articles 9 photos 18 comments