A Day at the Cabin | Teen Ink

A Day at the Cabin

May 31, 2011
By meike2 BRONZE, Rochester, Minnesota
meike2 BRONZE, Rochester, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cool breeze smacked into our faces as we headed out on Lake Eau Claire. We were going to try fishing before the darkness closes its curtain. This lake has been a home not only to the fish but to my family as well. My grandparents built a house on this lake and now it’s ours, every splinter and knob of it. This place has always been a place of joyful blissfulness.

When we were coming back from the fishing trip the boat hissed at us for almost tipping it. We looked back at the horizon that looked like a delicious tropical fruit punch. Going into our bay we could see our little green, shabby cabin almost hidden with the trees. My family always starts a campfire when the sun goes down. We all love to bask in the heat of the fire and catch up on stories and talk. After that, we go to sleep at a very late hour.

Morning comes and the birds sing an old morning song. The cool morning breeze woke me up when I stepped outside. Looking out from the swing I can see the sparkling waves roll across the lake. Going down to the dock I can smell fish and smoke. Everything moves in rhythm with the wind that conducts nature.

Most importantly, people laugh about stories while kids run around playing with the dogs weaving through the trees. At the picnic table people talk and play cards outside. Others sleep in the hammocks enjoying the fresh air. I just sit at the opening of trees watching nature perform its masterpiece.

Everyone is having a good time laughing, playing, and watching. This place where our little shabby cabin sits and where nature sings and dances, this is the place of joyful bliss.

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