Dancing With Your Heart | Teen Ink

Dancing With Your Heart

May 29, 2011
By fashiondisaster BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
fashiondisaster BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” Author Unknown

I found this quote and it just struck me. It made me think about how we measure our life by how long we live, not by the memories we take along with us. If everyone sat back, relaxed, and enjoyed the ride, we would realize how much we take for granted and see how much we really have. All I think about is getting my homework done and what grade I currently have. And that is the problem with my life. I focus on the little world of school and ignore all of the events happening in the rest of the world. There could be a hurricane in the Caribbean and I wouldn’t even know. That is one of the reasons I look forward to going to dance class. It may not help me catch up on the rest of the world but it helps me focus on something other than school work. As soon as I hit the dance floor my mind clears. There are sometimes when my mind is completely blank, there is not one thought that could disrupt my moment. I may not always dance, but I’ll never forget the memories that came with it. I’ll be able to look back 10 years from now and recall that exact moment I danced my heart out in front of a whole theater full of people. That brings me to another quote, “Dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another.” (Author Unknown) A lot of people can dance with their feet. You know what? It takes SO much to dance with your heart. I not only know how to dance with my heart, but I wear my heart on my sleeve when I dance. When you dance you have to show YOUR feelings. Feelings can’t be fake, people may not be able to tell, but you’ll know deep inside that they’re not real. Part of being a dancer is portraying your emotions, it depends on what kind of dancer you are. For example, Rockettes just smile and look pretty. That is NOT showing your emotions. You have to put yourself into the music, not just listen to it. You have to feel the beat, not just hear it. You have to DANCE the steps, not just dance the steps. There is a big difference. You can’t imitate the moves, you have to make them your own. “Dancers aren’t made of their technique, but their passion.” Author Unknown

“We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create dreams.” Author Unknown.

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