Silly High School Fears | Teen Ink

Silly High School Fears

May 19, 2011
By Nikebaseball BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
Nikebaseball BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The thought of my eighth grade year just brings back the memories of all the fear of starting my freshman year. All I heard about was how strict the dress code was and how the freshman would all be stepped on by all upperclassman. The rumors of freshman initiation, freshman being shoved into trashcans and having to push quarters across the lunch room floor, and these things terrified me. It was all inevitable, sooner or later I had to face my fear and just see for myself how bad ninth grade was really going to be.

So here it was, the first day of my high school, terrified as I was I had no choice but to face my fear and push through those terrifying doors into the unknown. As I struggled to force open the heavy double doors I was expecting to be pushed over and covered in tar and feathers as though I was a cartoon on TV. To my surprise, nothing happened. I walked right through the doors without any problems and entered the open area known as the cafeteria where I then could find my friends and could relax myself. Once I found people that I could relate with high school was a breeze! It was actually fun, my teachers were the coolest teachers I had ever had.

High school was the greatest school years of my life; I gained more friends than I ever thought was possible. I learned so many things that before I had no idea they even existed, there was calculus, classes that I could take for college credit, classes where all I did was help teachers with their errands. It is so crazy that when I was younger that I was so terrified of something that was so amazing. Now I am a senior and my high school life is over in less than a month, this is definitely the craziest and some of the saddest times in my life. Something that was such an amazing and great learning period of my life is so soon to be over. The fact that it is within a month of being over is more unrealistic than the fears that I had as a young kid. High school has been the greatest of times in my life and me facing my fear of freshman initiations was the best thing I ever made myself do, without the high school experience that I have I don’t know where I would be right now.

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