Graduation | Teen Ink


May 19, 2011
By Anonymous

Graduation is a word that happens to most, if not all, of us. For some of us, it happens many times and it always seems to be an emotional experience. However, not for me, I am so excited to get out of here, away from this life, and out into the bigger opportunity riddled world. I will miss my family, and the people who have touched my life, but nothing but a tragedy can wipe this smile off my face. Why should anyone start a chapter of their life with tears? Leave good memories and you can always continue on smiling. No one can steal the moments of life that have changed you forever, whether those moments are good or bad are your moments. This is your life. Graduation is just another door. I don’t fault people for cherishing the feeling of satisfying accomplishment, but I do encourage them to quickly move on. There is more out there than graduating, get on the ride!

The author's comments:
Graduating is fun, but don't forget to move on.

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