Discrimination Ruined My Life. | Teen Ink

Discrimination Ruined My Life.

May 18, 2011
By Anonymous

I have been bullied for as long as I can remember.It got worse in middle school,and in high school it was unbearable.I am disgusted by the way other teenagers and children are behaving.I had to drop out of school in 10th grade because I couldnt concentrate on school work,I was failing,and I developed anxiety and BPD(borderline personality disorder).It has messed with my life so much.I have trust issues and I pretty much stay to myself.I dont have many friends left because I had to leave school and all.I miss going to school and being with friends.I am sick of stereotyping and judging people.It needs to stop.Just because someone dresses differently or likes different things doesnt mean you should pick on them.Everyone has feelings.I now have to get my GED not my diploma,nope I have to get a GED.The homeschool program I am enrolled in makes me get a GED.I wont have a diploma thanks to a few girls bullying me and making my life a living hell.I am beyond irritated.I wish everyone would just get along.I have nothing against anyone,I dont understand why this happens so much.People can be cruel.I wont have a prom.I wont have school dances.I wont have football games.I wont be able to do any of those things now.Its really sad for me,its not fair.I remember reading a book at lunch and someone threw chicken at me and it was in my hair and it was really embarrassing and I ran out of the school and walked home.I didnt go get my books out of the classroom,I just left right then.I cried all the way home.I had to deal with people pushing me,knocking my books out of my hands,tripping me,throwing things at me,and calling me names,freak,nerd,ugly,s***,etc.I got so afraid that I didnt even want to go to school anymore.I was humiliated.I had to give up my teenage years of having fun so I can be homeschooled.If I didnt get homeschooled I would have failed 10th grade and I probably would have killed myself.Stop discrimination.Stop judging people on their looks.Personalities are whats important.Beauty is on the inside.

The author's comments:
I have been bullied relentlessly.The school board never did anything to help stop the bullying.The principal never helped.The teachers always believed the jocks and preps were sweethearts and theyd never bully anyone.But I got bullied by them everyday of my life during the time I attended school.Help stop bullying.How would you feel if you got bullied everyday and everyone was against you including your closest best friends,or shall we say ex friends now.I practically have no self-esteem.I am building back things in therapy.Bullying ruins lives.It ruined mine.

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This article has 1 comment.

Slauth said...
on Sep. 14 2012 at 10:40 pm
Slauth, Chesapeake, Virginia
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
I made an account just to comment on this, and to tell you that I think you are a very beautiful person. Truly. For you to be treated like this by such sick people, and to still love them with mercy, is just inspirational. I don't know you, but know that I love you. I love you because I know what you've gone through. I face age discrimination at my school. People tell me they hate me and that I should kill myself just because I'm a ffreshman, and frankly, it hurts. But you... You still live. I've become depressed and have SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) only because of rude people who can't simply close their mouths... Ugh. I just can't express this enough. You're a beautiful, strong person. Please. Know this.