Fantasy | Teen Ink


May 18, 2011
By Cyron99 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
Cyron99 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The mind is a gift that we all have and use in different ways. Some do complex equations and calculations while others may create magnificent works of art. The spark of this all comes from our creativity. Creativity is what drives us to try new things, and for me drives my need to take in and create stories.

A group of friends and I are involved in what is called role-playing. This is where you create characters that you then project through words as it goes throughout a story. We have expanded this to go into what we hope to be book writing one day. Our start came from our story called The Venteilian War. This is a tale of a post apocalyptic world made after the human mind has been unlocked and people have strange powers. But these powers bring madness as well. Our characters get involved in a fight to overthrow the corrupt ruler and stop the world's final destruction. This strange world sparked our interest, and together we began planning for a book.

This wasn't just some random occurrence. Each of us had had the idea before, and each had written some short stories. The realm of science fiction gives us a way to expand our mind and think of new ideas and worlds. The mind is our tool; the end is a realm of fantasy.

The author's comments:
This is a praise of the imagination

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