My Connection to Religion and Life | Teen Ink

My Connection to Religion and Life

May 11, 2011
By tuntematon BRONZE, Sturgis, South Dakota
tuntematon BRONZE, Sturgis, South Dakota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want to study astronomy because I'm interested in space and what’s out in the night sky. I also like astronomy because of the look of objects like Saturn, Jupiter, and different nebulas. Unlike what people think, astronomy is not just “star-gazing” it is a science that requires a lot of math, physics, critical thinking and lots of patience and hard work. Astronomers are also responsible for the developing and making sure that ground-based and satellite-based telescopes and other instruments, are working properly so that they can be used to observe the cosmos, analyze images, and taking measurements with computers developing theories to understand what they observing, and use information to predict properties and future activity of objects in the heavens.

With a career in astronomy, I could be working for people such as: University professors, research, National and private observatories, Theoretical astrophysicists, Government and private laboratories, Planetariums, Aerospace industry, nuclear physicist, High school earth sciences teachers, NASA, science journalism, or Companies like Boeing.

A job in Astronomy is a technical profession and in addition to mathematics, physics, earth science and astronomy a person also needs to know Instrumentation, including design and operation, Remote sensing, spectral observations, electromagnetic spectrum applications, computer applications data analysis, And business and professional ethic. Communication skills are also an important link between the world of professional astronomy and the general public.

For a career in astronomy I will need several life skills, including Attention to detail, good communication skills, focus, Willingness to develop ideas and concepts and to look at objectives data from many different angles, good organizational skills, good mechanical skills, good troubleshooting, problem solving skills, good computer skills, and an ability to work this computers and software from the smallest laptop to large nationwide and international networks.

Psalm 19 begins with:
The heavens declare the glory of God;
The skies proclaim the work of his hands,
Day after day they pour forth speech;
Night after night they display knowledge.

There is no speech or language
Where their voice is not heard

Their voice goes out into all the earth
Their word to the ends of the world. Verses 1-4

And ends with the prayer:
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Verse 14

I can certainly follow a career in astronomy to the glory of the Lord, “my Rock and, my Redeemer” especially when I remember that God himself is the Creator of our universe.

God has designed everything including the universe. We know this because of the bible. Many scientists say that the universe is 12-15 billion years old. This can be disproved in many ways. One is the Big Bang Theory. The theory that the universe was created by a huge explosion, that started the world we have today. This theory is always changing so that the new data being gathering don’t disprove the theory of the Big Bang. Since the theory is changing. This shows that many scientists aren’t really sure how the universe started. Another way we can tell is by the moon. Scientists say that the moon is 4.6 billion years old. We also know that the moon is move away from the earth at about 4 centimeters a year; if we go backwards in time then the moon will be 4 centimeters a closer year. Right now the moon is about 238.606 miles from the earth, and if we go back about 1.4 billion years ago the moon will be in contact with the earth. But that can’t be right, since scientists say that the moon is 4.6 billion years old so how can the moon be part of the earth for 3.2 billion years, unless the universe is not 12 to 15 billion years old. Another way to prove the universe is not as old as scientist say is comets. Comets are basically diary snow balls in space, all they are is frozen water molecules and rocks and other objects floating in space. As a comet passé the sun it melts making the long tail you see, so after a few thousand years wouldn’t most of the comets be gone because of them melting?
We can tell that astronomy is related in the bible because “star” is used 136 times, “heavens” is used 167 times, “heavenly bodies” is used 6 times and when heavenly bodies was used it is referring to planets or stars. In addition to God’s design to the universe he also designs our salvation. When our first parents fell into the darkness of sin, God promised a savior, his son. His Son would coming into the darkness like a star to light the way and show us the way to salvation. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood John 1:5.

Just as astronomers use lens to focus the skies, we ask God to focus our hearts on the Gospel. In that we daily sin much, we ask God to help us focus on the Commandments he gave us, and follow them. Just as Astronomers use computers and other programs to understand the universe, the Holy Spirit is like an onboard computer who works in us so that we may understand and believe the Bible. For without the Holy Spirit we surely can’t understand God’s word or say “Jesus Christ is our savior” and believe it without the Holy Spirit working in us.

Astronomy is not just “star-gazing” it is a science that requires a lot of math, physics, critical thinking and lots of patience and hard work. A job in Astronomy is a technical profession. In addition to mathematics, physics, earth science and astronomy a person also needs to have additional skills like good communicational skills—journaling, reporting observations, and sharing information with the general public. What is this but the skill that Jesus called us to when he commanded us to communicate him and his love to the world around us. He says “You will be my witnesses.” I can certainly follow a career in astronomy to the glory of the Lord. God designed everything in the universe and including the universe itself. We know this because of the Holy Bible. Astronomy is mentioned in the Bible and that the people of the time knew about the stars and planets and studied them.

Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God;
The skies proclaim the work of his hands.

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