A Big Fat Lie | Teen Ink

A Big Fat Lie

May 2, 2011
By Anonymous

On Christmas day I would wake up in joy and happiness. I would see all the wrapping paper covering the gifts I was about to unravel, but I would wonder how did Santa do this to all the kids who believed in Christmas. As a child I didn’t realize it was physically impossible to do this but I believed in the magic that made Christmas more special.

As the kids in my school got older everyone had the same question as me, does Santa really exist. There were many stories going around that someone found gifts in a closet or they saw their parents putting the gifts under the tree, but I never really bought into any of thee since I truly believed in the magic of Christmas. Anyhow this would all start to change as the days went on and I grew older. The first time I started hearing that he didn’t exist was when I went to my neighbors. I heard the parents talking of how they were going to sneak the gifts in that night and not let my neighbor see. This was the first time I was starting to believe that the big guy in a red suit doesn’t really slide down your chimney at night. I really didn’t want to believe this but as the year went on I was to be heartbroken and my believes were to be put to rest.

When Santa started to become into a fantasy more than a real person for me,I turned to my parents to ask them. When I asked them, I could tell the sarcasm or mocking tone. I realized what they were doing and it is known as lying. Since I dint realize the tone in their voice at that time I felt a little reassured but I couldn’t be certain since all the kids at school kept telling me other wise, besides at that age every kid believes what he hears. Middle school came along and things were going great until Christmas time. At this point most of the grade knew about Santa’s existence but I was one of the few that still believed. At Christmas time even the teachers seemed to be using sarcastic tones when talking about the old St. Nicholas, but for some reason I couldn’t picture a Christmas without him, after all who was going to deliver my presents. . Eventually I gained enough confidence to ask my parents again. I knew something was wrong when they told me to sit down and we were going to talk. This is where I got the news and this is where I actually was saddened over a mythical creature, a myth for all little children to believe.

Even though Santa really doesn’t exist I learned something. I learned how to believe in the spirit of Christmas and maybe in my mind Santa really does exist. Santa doesn’t live in the North Pole, because it’s impossible, but I believe in the spirit and joy of Santa Clause because it makes Christmas much more special and gives me peace in my mind when that special day comes.

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