The Broken Wrist | Teen Ink

The Broken Wrist

May 4, 2011
By breezysunshinehottiepants48 BRONZE, Parkesburg, Pennsylvania
breezysunshinehottiepants48 BRONZE, Parkesburg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just look at me, and everything will be allright."

The sun was shining down on my dark brown hair as I cruised through the air on the swing. My friend Chase and I were each swinging high through the sky trying to see who could go highest. Chase and I had been swinging for a good hour or so and things were starting to get boring. So we raised the stakes. We decided to start jumping off backwards. At the time it seemed like a great idea we each would fly off the swing and fly like swans careening dangerously backwards. It was exhilarating; every time we would lean back, creep forward, and then slide off the swing freefalling blindly until our feet hit the ground. Everything was going just fine until we decided to make things even more extreme.
As I said earlier we had a tendency to get bored easily with this new found love of swinging. So it didn’t take long for us to try something new. Chase suggested that we raise the swings so we would go higher. At the time it seemed like a brilliant idea, but I would soon realize that it was a horrible mistake.
I had decided to a break from swinging for a while and relax. After about ten minutes I decided to get back on. Now I had not swung on the swing since it had been raised, so I wasn’t used to the new height. I was cruising through the sky churning my legs and pumping my arms. I felt like nothing could stop me. I prepared to make my jump. I steadied my arms, and got my bearings. I jumped sliding off the banana yellow seat and falling backwards. Yet instead of being in a blind freefall with my feet ready to hit the ground, I was looking right at the ground falling straight down. I was helpless I knew that I was falling, and I knew that I would soon hit the ground, but there was nothing I could do. On impact the hard brown dirt kicked up into my face. My wrist slammed to the earth, and instantly I felt pain coursing through it. I looked up and the world looked like I was seeing it through binoculars. The castle swing set next to me was in a haze. All around people were running to me trying to help me. I was so discombobulated I just screamed telling everyone to keep their hands off me. Chase helped me up and I immediately knew my wrist was broken, I could barely make a fist. In the end though I’m happy it happened because it taught me that I need to think before I do some things. Since then I have never once broke a bone. Hopefully my good health (and luck) continues!

The author's comments:
I am just a boy looking for wonder.

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