Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 28, 2011
By jamieeeee BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
jamieeeee BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
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I will always remember my 7th and 8th grade English teacher, Mrs. Fowler. She is one of
the funniest people I have ever met. I truly think that she should be the 2011 educator of the year
for numerous reasons. She made English class fun, she was constantly singing, and she had her
own way of making everyone feel important.

My first point to why I believe she should be the 2011 educator of the year is that she
made English class fun. I have never looked forward to going to English class before I had her
as an English teacher. I do not even know how to describe how amazing she was at making us
laugh. No matter how much I would not want to be in school one day, I could always feel
relieved in her class. I am not saying she did not make us work hard, but she had us
work in fun, creative ways.

My second point is that she was constantly singing. That may not sound like a big deal,
but it was pretty funny to watch. To be honest, she had a very good voice! My whole class
loved watching her sing about English… She would make us learn songs about almost
everything we learned. The surprising thing is that it actually helped us learn the information. I
remember when she would sing us a weird song from the book, Animal Farm, and we all
recorded her singing it. She was not a strict teacher, however; if she would have caught us
recording that, we would probably all be dead right now.

My third point is that she had her own way of making everyone feel important. I
remember how she would always call on quiet people just so they could be a part of our
discussion. She never judged anyone, and would treat everyone the same. She did have her
moments where she would go psycho teacher on us, but she had her reasons… We gave her
plenty of reasons to yell at us, but she would always end up laughing after yelling. I never heard
of anyone holding anything against her. Everybody absolutely loved her!

Mrs. Fowler made English class fun, she was constantly singing, and she had her own
way of making everyone feel important. Those are just several reasons why she should be the
2011 educator of the year! She has been the best teacher I have ever had, and she may be the
best teacher I ever have! It is a bummer that I will never have her as a teacher again, but my 12
year old sister is now in her class. She agrees with me that Mrs. Fowler is an incredible teacher.

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