The Gift of Patience | Teen Ink

The Gift of Patience

March 23, 2011
By Hannah Scherer BRONZE, Alpine, Utah
Hannah Scherer BRONZE, Alpine, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was just a normal Sunday. It started off like any other, but there did end up being something very different about it. Very special. My two sisters and I sat down to our table in the kitchen after getting back from church, and started eating some food. Just a few moments after we had sat down, my mom and dad came walking in the room. They
had this weird look on their faces that I hadn’t ever seen before, and I was worried. They sat down at the table by us, and as they pulled the
chairs across the tile floors it made a loud uncomfortable screeching sound. “Kids, there is something we need to tell you,” dad said. My stomach dropped like a roller coaster. This was always a scary thing. You never know what you’re going to hear from them. Our parents never talk this seriously unless they have something big they need to talk to us about. We all had looks of terror on our faces. As we walked into the other room we all sat down on the gray couch and they began talking. “We have really put a lot of thought into this girls, and we have had the feelings that we should adopt a baby girl from china.” We were all
speechless! I had no idea what to say. Thoughts were flowing into my head like a waterfall. They talked to us a little more about it and told us what was going to happen and how. This was all so exciting me and my sisters could not have been happier. We began to start the paper work for our adoption. I can’t even tell you how much paper work there was. Piles and piles of it! All over the
kitchen table and counters, covering them like weeds. It took a very long time to finish it all and get it sent out. We started to get very impatient. Waiting and waiting had not been what we had in mind for this. But finally after a little less then three years we got our match. It was a huge rectangular envelope. Our family gathered together to open it. As the envelope was being opened, the paper
ripping slowly made a little tearing sound, and the excitement jumped around the room. My mom opened up the envelope and pulled out a picture
of our precious little sister. She was perfect.
The whole two to three years we waited for our sweet, sweet little sister we made a paper crane. Every single day for almost three years we made paper cranes. That is almost 1,095 paper cranes. When the time had finally come to go and get our sister the house was pouring out paper cranes. Finally the time had come for my parents to go and get our little sister. They took a 23-hour flight into Hong Kong, China. For seventeen days we waited, cried, couldn’t wait any longer, and stayed at grandmas. Those were some of the hardest days for me. I learned to have so much patience. Waiting that long after already
waiting three years was a huge lesson for me to learn. Even though the wait for my adorable little sister was a long one, it was definitely worth it. She is the happiest cutest girl in the world, and such a blessing to our family. She is growing up so fast and
teaching us all valuable lessons that we would not have if it weren’t for her. One thing I learned from this experience is that the things in life that are most valuable to us are the things that take time and

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